I'm most definitely behind on what we have been up to! I haven't decided if I want to take on the challenge of getting caught up on everything we've done since February, but I can certainly start with what we've done in August!
I've been hoping to get to California to visit my grandparents, Eric and Hayley, and other extended family for a couple of years now. We had started to think about going last year, but then I had gallbladder surgery instead (not a fair trade in my mind-surgery just plain old hurts!) So, I was thrilled to get to go this year, attend the blessing of our new niece Eleanore, and visit with family. We had so much fun! It was so nice to see my Grandma and my Grandpa! It has unfortunately been years since I've seen them, so it was great to get to spend some time with each of them. We also loved seeing Eric and Hayley, meeting their new baby girl, and finally seeing their house that they have put so much work into. We owe a huge thanks to everyone who hosted and fed and entertained us!
On to a few photos from the trip:
My Grandma has a clock in her kitchen that, on the hour, plays songs, has lights, and the clock face comes apart to show the bells inside. She had to run into the kitchen to watch it, anytime she heard it ringing. My Grandpa also has a very similar clock, so it of course was just as fun to watch there too.
Mesmerized by the clock... |
Just hanging out with Dad in the backyard- she loved hanging from this tree, she kept asking to do it again. Silly monkey. |
Sitting with Grandpa as it got dark in the backyard. |
Headed to the water-again. |
The water was so cold-but she still wanted to be in it. |
Crazy curls! |
It started to get chilly with the breeze coming off of the water and the sun going down. But having your very own Sofia sized chair helps to make everything better. That and the campfire. |
Beautiful beach sunset |
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